Reg woke up this morning feeling great. They had been skeptical at first, what with the advertisements sounding like every other weight-loss, performance-enhancing, limit-less energy placebo supplement on the market. However when they saw the kiosk downtown, they had a rush of curiosity that egged them on into asking the salesperson questions. The salesperson, Billie, sympathized with Reg's skepticism, offering a tour of the facility where it was manufactured the following day. Reg agreed and drove the thirty or so miles out of town to check it out. The facility was bustling with activity, guided tours rotating every hour and filled with people. All the offices and laboratories had glass walls, placards at every entrance detailing the processes taking place within; all of this had Reg mesmerized. They wandered around in awe of the openness of the operation. They were so impressed that they drove downtown to see Billie at the kiosk. They asked for a sample pack and Billie offered them a great deal: a one month supply, guaranteed to work in three weeks or less, or their money back. Reg swallowed their first dose then and there before heading home. That was two and half weeks ago today. Reg stretched and got out of bed, padding over to the mirror in their bathroom to check their results. Billie was NOT kidding! Less than three weeks and Reg's muscles had toned exponentially, almost all of their body fat was gone and their scales were a shining green-gold hue.

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Higher Education


It Shouldn’t Have Been This Way